
perceiver300Children with the gift of perceiving have a keen sense of right and wrong. It is because of this sense of right and wrong that Perceivers hold very high standards. They tend to be perfectionists because of their high standards and can become their own worst critics.

Sometimes parents are shocked at what appears to be their child’s pessimistic attitude. In some cases, Perceivers do not realize their gift and they can become critical of other people or situations. However, their discernment is a gift and we can teach them how to use it in a positive way. Such as, “I know you have identified what is wrong here. You can also choose to identify what is right.”

The primary function of this gift is to reveal information the Perceiver has discerned in a way that will help others. In a child, what this looks like can be both amazing and frightening. This is the type of child who will “know” if a person is “bad” but may not be able to explain it. Thus, their explanation (or resulting behavioral reaction) can sometimes appear direct, blunt, or inconsiderate of the feelings of others. This is a classic case of the gift being misunderstood because their real intention is to help and warn people. As parents, we can teach them how to express negative feelings in an appropriate way.

Perceivers have a protective, loyal nature. They see things in black and white, with no “gray” area. Since their gift allows them to “see” what is wrong in people and situations, they are natural problem solvers. They enjoy a challenge and tend to be entrepreneurial, creative, or inventive.

Another behavioral tendency intrinsic to Perceivers is their intense disdain for injustice. This gift provides strong motivation to “stand up for what is right.” Perceivers apply their values and convictions to everyday life. Often Perceivers are passionate about a principle or cause and have the right message but present it as a zealot and repel the audience they needed to attract. We need to teach our Perceiver children that how they present a message will be a large measure of their success.


Recognize and identify injustice


Quickly identify morally wrong actions






Problem solver


Fewer friends than other gifts due to high standards.